New Jersey Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

A senior resident of a nursing home is vulnerable to abuse by the home's management and staff. Seniors rely on family and close friends to check in on them on a regular basis and monitor their caregivers to ensure that they are being treated fairly, however, this is not always the case. Every day there are numerous instances of nursing home abuse throughout the state of New Jersey.

Nursing home abuse comes in many forms such as being handled roughly by the staff or being neglected and left unattended for long periods of time. Other forms of indirect abuse occur when a facility is not properly maintained, causing slip, trip and fall injuries. Example of maintenance negligence are buckling or torn carpet, broken floor tiles, and other poor maintenance issues. Senior residents can suffer from injuries ranging from bruises to broken bones. Malnutrition and dehydration also often occur when one is insufficiently cared for. In the most severe form, nursing home abuse can directly lead to death.  At times, nursing home staff can also be verbally abusive and threaten the patients, causing them emotional distress.

Experienced and knowledgeable New Jersey nursing home abuse attorney Steven M. Garber, and Garber Law Offices fight nursing home abuse and can help you and your loved one to recover maximum damages to compensate you for the injuries and losses that have occurred.


Every situation is unique and we listen to your individual unique circumstances and carefully assess whether or not you have a case. In order to maximize the compensation we will attempt to arrive at an out of court settlement favorable to our client and if this is not possible, we will take the nursing home owners and managers to trial, to obtain financial reimbursement for medical expenses, compensation for injuries, pain, and suffering, and other damages that your loved one may have incurred. It is our objective to hold the nursing home owners accountable for the negligence of their staff and facility owners.

Steven M. Garber and Garber Law Offices will fight for all of the compensation you deserve. If your loved ones show any indication that they have injuries that cannot be easily explained, you may have a claim against the nursing home for causing your loved one physical injury, mental anguish, and psychological trauma.  

New Jersey senior care residents have rights, including living without the threat of physical and mental abuse, neglect, living in a safe environment, in good, clean conditions, and receive acceptable nursing care. If you suspect that your loved one is being abused, do not accept the situation.

Protect Your Rights

Garber Law Offices are here to help you with your Nursing Home Abuse claim. Call Garber Law Offices today 856-489-6500