New Jersey Wrongful Death Lawyer

There is no time in one's life more stressful than the premature, unexpected loss of a spouse, mother or father. In an instant, a person or a family can be ripped apart from the people that pay the bills or provide love, guidance, and companionship. Such an event as the loss of a loved one can cause a lifetime of severe emotional trauma as well as have devastating financial repercussions.

If you have had a loved one killed in an accident resulting from the negligence of another there are legal remedies to seek that can compensate you and your family for the wrongful death that has occurred in your family. The definition of "wrongful death" is  "a death caused by a wrongful act, neglect or default of another." A wrongful death lawsuit can be justified if a personal injury lawsuit could have been filed had the victim lived. A wrongful death lawsuit may be filed by the executor of the deceased's estate and the proceeds will be distributed to the surviving family members.

Call New Jersey wrongful death lawyer Steven M. Garber at Garber Law Offices, for a free phone consultation of facts surrounding your case. You may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the parties whose negligence caused the untimely death of your loved one.


The New Jersey Wrongful Death Act seeks to compensate the survivors for their financial loss including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of consortium and other related expenses. A monetary value is also placed for the spouse, father or mother that would have otherwise been home and performed the basic household activities such as cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing. Separate from The Act, one may seek additional damages to compensate for the emotional trauma the family has had to endure. Benefits recovered under the New Jersey Wrongful Death Act accrue directly to the victim's heirs and are exempt from the victim's creditors.

There is a statute of limitations placed on those wishing to file a wrongful death lawsuit of 2 years from the loved one's time of death.

Attorney Steven M. Garber represents families of those who have been killed due to the negligence of others and will seek maximum financial compensation on your behalf. As a experienced litigator, Mr. Garber is prepared to take matters to trial when necessary, however, his first objective is to seek maximum recovery, without putting a family through the emotional trauma of a trial.  Attorney Steven Garber the Wrongful Death Law Firm of Garber Law Offices are knowledgeable and experienced in all matters related to wrongful death and have the skills and experience to aggressively represent their clients.

Protect Your Rights

Garber Law Offices are here to help you with your Wrongful Death claim. Call Garber Law Offices today 856-489-6500