New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured or have had a loved one killed as a result of the negligence of another you may file a claim against their insurance company for reimbursement of medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and all other damages related to your accident. Garber Law Offices provides experienced and knowledgeable legal representation to those who have suffered personal injury or death from automobile, motorcycle, and truck accidents, workplace accidents, slip and fall accidents, and other accidents or acts of negligence, including being injured by a defective product. Our mission is to help you and your loved ones recover the maximum financial compensation for the damages that you have endured due to another's negligence.

If you have been the victim of an accident, the first thing to do is to get medical attention even if you think that you are uninjured. Many serious, life threatening internal injuries go undetected for several days or weeks after the accident. Go to the emergency room and get a complete examination as well as establish full documentation of your injuries. As soon as you are able, call offices of Garber Law Offices so that they can begin work on your case.


The New Jersey personal injury lawyers at Garber Law Offices, leave no stone unturned when investigating the facts of your accident and you will immediately receive our undivided attention. We will gather evidence from police reports, medical records and such, as well as seek out experts in the fields that reinforce your claim.

The insurance company lawyers will contact you soon after the incident and may try and get you to admit that the accident was your fault or to admit that you were not seriously injured. You should never talk to them and instead refer them to your personal injury lawyer at Garber Law Offices. Insurance companies will try and get you to settle for much less than you deserve and you should never accept their offer, without first talking to a New Jersey personal injury law firm such as Garber Law Offices.

When you have been injured due to the negligence of another, you do not have to go it alone and can put our personal injury law firm on your side. Contact Garber Law Offices immediately following your accident and let us do all of the talking and negotiating on your behalf. For over twenty five years, our experience in personal injury matters has guided our ability to obtain maximum results for our clients. Knowing when to settle and when to press the matter further in court is critical in getting you the full compensation you deserve. Our firm will give you a free, initial evaluation of your case. We have achieved great success and millions of dollars in damages for our clients and we have a proven track record of success in New Jersey personal injury representation.

Protect Your Rights

Garber Law Offices are here to help you with your Personal Injury claim. Call Garber Law Offices today 856-489-6500